


Searchie 2.0

Release Notes - 2022.6.27

Searchie 2.0
An Update From the Team
We've been working behind the scenes on a multitude of new features that will greatly improve a few of the key experiences your audience will go through when joining a Hub and consuming your content. Keep an eye on your email in the coming days as we look to launch Searchie 2.0 officially on July 6, 2022 with a couple of major improvements available at launch. Any questions about the roadmap, 2.0, or anything else related to the future of Searchie, feel free to contact me at my personal email,
  • We added some new filtering options for Audience Segments, allowing users to now filter their audience by location and last seen date
  • We added the ability to change the background and text color of Hub button elements by overriding the global appearance in the button element appearance settings
  • We updated the button hover animation on Hubs to help account for a couple of additional edge use cases
  • Fixed an issue where Dropbox connections needed to be manually refreshed frequently to work properly
  • Fixed a couple of minor issues with the Facebook App integration
  • Fixed an issue where users with many Audience Tags would not see all of them available in certain views
  • Fixed an issue where media App integrations would not load all available folders for importing
  • Fixed a couple of issues with managing Hub menu items
To go along with these spotlighted updates, a large number of minor improvements and bug fixes were included in this release across the Platform, Hubs & Extension.